Top 20 NuGet entityframework Packages

Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
Modules are a very opinionated way to better organize small or medium aspnet or similar applications. It also allows to split configurations that are otherwise centralized, for example, Entity Framework mappings or HotChocolate GraphQL types. Custom Components may also provide extra functionality.
Package Description
Abp Extension
Zero-effort key management extension for IdentityServer4. This package adds database key persistence via Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore
User account control system for Allowed.Telegram.Bot based on Entity Framework Core.
This package is designed to help you easily get started developing a new NET 5.0 application. The package includes basic abstractions for implementing EntityFramework in Onion architecture: Entity interfaces group in Core.Domain.Model namespace, two interface groups in Core.Domain.Navigation namespa...
PredicateExtensions is a C# utility that will take two Lambda expressions and combine them using .And or .Or extension methods. Expressions be joined at runtime for dynamic LINQ queries. PredicateExtensions can be used with EntityFramework to refactor and create dynamic queries.
Unit of work framework for EntityFramework
Package Description
Package Description
A collection of extension methods to IQueryable and IEnumerable that enable easy and performance Soundex searches
A collection of extension methods to IQueryable and IEnumerable that enable easy and performance Levenshtein searches
Implements the Domain Context pattern for EntityFramework 4.1, by extending the DbContext with support for rich domain modeling capabilities for persistence ignorant aggregate roots and dependent entities, including automatic graph saving, logical deletes and more.
xUnit tests for netfx-Patterns.DomainContext.EF