Top 20 NuGet domain Packages

The elements required to manage a Stream checkpoint inside a MySql data store
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
DrON port of ASP.NET Boilerplate
A set of boilerplate code libraries that facilitate implementation of S.O.L.I.D principles in .Net solutions
Event Store implementation in AWS DynamoDb to Masstransit
NLite Domain Framework 简称NDF, 是一个轻量级的服务分发器框架,该框架以业务逻辑的高内聚,高复用性,高松耦合和便捷的可测试性为宗旨,支持嵌入式和分布式部署, 支持 Mvc,WebForm, Winform等,以NLite组件为基础, 支持服务别名,方法别名,方法重载,方法参数的自动绑定,校验功能和Filter等扩展功能。 NDF和 MVC
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
Base classes to implement a Domain Model also using DDD (Domain Driven Development) and to abstract the ORM or the storage and change it simply.
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
BlingBag is a library that helps implement domain events in a behavior-rich domain model.
Bootstrap for your Domain project (the one with your domain/entities objects, and interfaces for your repositories)
An implemention of the Hummingbird API for Entityframework
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF6. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF6.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF5. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF5.
N-Tier Entity Framework Silverlight client base library.
EF6 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
EF4 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
N-Tier Entity Framework server base library.