Top 20 NuGet database Packages

Easily exchange data with your database
Combines the power of raw SQL with the convenience of an ORM
Intregration mongodb database with repository pettern and also losely couple code.
Provides developers with libraries for the Azure Database for MySQL under Azure Resource manager to deploy an instance of MySQL. Create, Update, Delete, Restore, and more.
DateTime syncrhonized via database
EF Core Extensions package
PostgreSQL support extension for DbKeeperNet database migrations
MySql support extension for DbKeeperNet database migrations
Firebird support extension for DbKeeperNet database migrations
The Enterprise Library Caching Cryptography Provider lets developers encrypt the data to be cached.
This package will enable you to profile Telerik DataAccess runtime by installing Telerik.OpenAccess.ServiceHost.dll as reference to your project. After configuring logging levels and online profiling you can use Telerik.OpenAccess.Profiler.exe to track various metrics of your data layer.
Unit of work framework
ORM Profiler lets you gain insight in what your data-access code is doing, find performance problems and quickly learn how to fix them. SD.Tools.OrmProfiler.Interceptor.NetCore is the interceptor package for regular ORMs and ADO.NET using data-access logic. The Interceptor assemblies are part of...
This is a legacy package; if possible, please use either the "System.Data.SQLite" or "System.Data.SQLite.Core" package instead. An ADO.NET provider for SQLite (managed-only).
Business Logic Toolkit DB2 Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit Firebird Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit Informix Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit MySql Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit PostgreSql Data Provider for .NET
Business Logic Toolkit SqlCe Data Provider for .NET