Top 20 NuGet database Packages

A storage engine provider for Couchbase Lite .NET that utilizies the system-installed SQLite library
LambdicSql is ultimate sql builder. Generate sql text and parameters from lambda. Target frameworks are .netframework3.5~, pcl, .netstandard1.2~.
Synchronize/Replicate database changes using SQL Server Change Tracking
The Waher.Persistence project provides the basic architecture and framework for accessing objects in an object database, based solely on meta-data provided through the corresponding class definitions.
Entity Framework 6 library.
SqlServer provider for dotEntity
Sqlite Database Provider for dotEntity
MySql provider for dotEntity
Yet another simple and powerful micro ORM for .NET
Extends ADONetHelper library to MySQL, MariaDb, Percona Server, Amazon Aurora, Azure Database for MySQL
It is a library that helps to create WinForms application.
UWP native libraries and support classes for Couchbase Lite .NET
For users of CodexFramework V1.0, this package offers a way to change less code when migrating to use CodexMicroORM as a replacement framework.
A Library for storing appliation localization data into a database
Leichtgewichtiges Framework um Daten einer Datenbank des Microsoft SQL Servers (auch Azure SQL) abzufragen und auf benutzerdefinierte Klassen zu mappen. Möglich sind alle CRUD-Operationen und auch die Abfrage von Daten aus Views wird unterstützt.
This is the SQLite driver for TranceSQL. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles the ...
This is the PostgreSQL driver for TranceSQL. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles ...
This is the Oracle driver for TranceSQL. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles the ...
This is the MySQL driver for TranceSQL. TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles the f...
TranceSQL provides an easy to use, high performance data access interface for SQL databases. It is minimally abstract compared to ORMs such as Entity Framework. When using TranceSQL, queries are constructing using a structured API that closely resembles the final SQL query.