Top 20 NuGet dapper Packages

The part of a micro-ORM that maps POCOs to database tables.
Dapper + QueryObject pattern, MiniProfiler support included
Base classes to implement Repository pattern using Dapper as ORM
Dapper is a Stack Overflow ORM Framewrok , now I supported to Migrations for PgSQL,MSSQL,MySQL and by default SQLlite.
The CastleWindsor Container for the Dapper.Extensions.Linq.
This library provides a template for discovering your database model into a series of classes which build the sql needed for reads and writes dynamically. Instead of libraries which only provide fixed / hard coded SQL, this library attempts to provide parameterized sql generation on the fly. Allowin...
A memory cache module for the Nyan data service stack
An AES encryption module for the Nyan data service stack
A UDP Log module for the Nyan data service stack
A simple data access layer built using Dapper for the .NET Standard Library.
A lightweight ORM based on dapper
zxm.Dapper.Extensions.AspNetCore is an extensions to use zxm.Dapper within AspNetCore.
A simple framework to separate .NET code from SQL code using the Dapper micro ORM. Drapper is a data wrapper inspired by, and built on Dapper, (Data/Dapper + Wrapper = Drapper).
Dapper extensions, suport expression to sql ,so you can use dapper like ef.
Dapper; installed as code that compiles into your project instead of an assembly dependency.
Dapper.Extensions.Repository is an extensions to intergration with dapper-dot-net and MicroOrm.Dapper.Repositories.
Dapper extension for IdentityServer3
SmartSql V2.0 obsolete SmartSql.Logging.NLog using DI injection.
A repository framework for Dapper