Top 20 NuGet dotnet Packages

Provides access to the reporting tool List & Label. This package is required for the Ad-hoc Designer. Please note that a List & Label installation is required.
Build tools for DotNetCli creation.
Armada.Client is a .NET core library for communicating with Armada server implemented in C#
An SDK that uses lucene.NET API with NCache Enterprise to scale out full-text searching.
A .NET Standard client library for the Soulseek network.
.NET client for Thumbnailer service.
A simple .Net extension to read the HTTP request body without consuming it
rqlite distributed database client. rqlite is a RAFT implementation on top of sqlite that provides a reliable way to store data across a cluster of machines. It’s open-source and available on GitHub. rqlite gracefully handles leader elections during network partitions and will tolerate machine failu...
A library designed for various types of tasks. Part of the RIS "ecosystem".
Azure Synapse Analytics Extension for .NET for Apache Spark
OPC UA Configuration Class Library
RPN.Net is a .NET library for Reverse Polish Notation (RPN). A easy way to include external logic into your projects.
Avalonia.Flexbox is a flexbox implementation for Avalonia.
An SDK that uses lucene.NET API with NCache Professional to scale out full-text searching.
QAToolKit.Engine.Database library.
Software Driver SDK to access SINUMERIK NCKs (Numerical Control Kernels) via TCP/IP. Quick & easy development using .NET Framework and .NET Standard. Simple & familiar .NET API, portability, features, patterns, samples and technical support. Unlimited free evaluation & royalty free licensing. Design...
MSBuild evaluation, fsproj file loading, and project system for F# tooling
MSBuild evaluation, fsproj file loading, and project system for F# tooling
A package to support subscriptions for GraphQL ASP.NET. Provides the required functionality to setup a websocket connection and perform graphql subscriptions over web sockets.
F# library supporting Dynamic Objects including inheritance in functional style.