Top 20 NuGet dnx Packages

A Serilog sink that logs to AWS CloudWatch
The NUnit Portable Agent provides an interface that allows test runners to load the NUnit Framework and run tests in an assembly without taking a dependency on a specific version of the framework.
Package Description
DotVVM is an open source ASP.NET-based framework which allows to build interactive web apps easily by using mostly C# and HTML.
DotVVM is an open source ASP.NET-based framework which allows to build interactive web apps easily by using mostly C# and HTML.
DotVVM is an open source ASP.NET-based framework which allows to build interactive web apps easily by using mostly C# and HTML.
This package contains OWIN middleware and hosting infrastructure for DotVVM apps. DotVVM is an open source ASP.NET-based framework which allows to build interactive web apps easily by using mostly C# and HTML.
This package contains base classes and interfaces of DotVVM that might be useful in a business layer. DotVVM is an open source ASP.NET-based framework which allows to build modern web apps without writing any JavaScript code.
A Global Exception Handler Middleware, allowing developers to create one or more exception handlers (intercepts).
Azure.Data.Wrappers Class Library
Swashbuckle.AspNetCore extensions for DotVVM.
Annotation attributes for DotVVM Dynamic Data that provide additional features.
King.Azure.Data Class Library
This allow DNX project to use 'Constrained Semantic Version' on Git. Stamps produced assembly by automatically generating AssemblyVersion, FileVersion and InformationalVersion attributes. Please see
Command-line compiler for DotVVM.
[Obsolete] Serilog provider for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging
Swashbuckle.Owin extensions for DotVVM.
Application Insights Tracing module for DotVVM
Command-line tools for DotVVM.
Please use Autofac.Extensions.DependencyInjection. This package is obsolete.