Top 20 NuGet ddd Packages

基于 EntityFrameworkCore 作为 SDDP 持久化存储和工作单元实现的提供器。
SDDP(Simple Domain Driven Part) 简单的领域驱动组件 - 使用简单的方式构建领域驱动的应用。
The BullOak.Repositories implementation for EntityFramework
Extensions to add in functionality to build queries on classes.
Validation rules to create validation classes to validate objects.
Event loop with handler loading and deferred execution.
The result practicy abstraction
CQELight is a framework that provides tooling layer for helping developpers to get started with Domain Driven Design, Command Query Responsability Segregation and Event Sourcing. It provides abstraction upon major concepts and allow you to create your custom implementation with your tools.
Zero is a general purpose DDD framework specially designed for new modern web applications.
Useful Classes yo use in the presentation layer Web API
PostgreSQL database provider for OpenCQRS domain store.
OpenCQRS is a .NET Core framework that can be used to create a simple and clean design by enforcing single responsibility and separation of concerns. Its advanced features are ideal for Domain Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibilty Segragation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing. OpenCQRS also has A...
Provides conventions for creating an ASP.NET Core based REST API on top of a domain model.
Library for simple event sourcing
Java Persistence API style Repository. Define repository interface without implementation. The package will handle everything for you.
Core implementation of Specification design pattern. Contains: - Specifications composition (And, Or, AndNot, OrNot) - Specifications negation with validation handling (error message negation, linq negation etc.) - Error handling for validation scenarios - Linq expressions composing
Common implementation of small reusable Specifications. All Specifications are based on Specification design pattern. Specifications support validation scenarios and also can be used like Linq expressions, because they are designed and implemented especially for Entity Framework Core support and p...
Simple and fluent web automation - Make it so easy to write a range of tests from functional, smoke to acceptance tests for your web application that there's no excuse not to.
Repository+UnitOfWork组件封装(.net core), 具体使用方法请参阅README.md说明或者联系作者
Kledex is a .NET Core framework that can be used to create a simple and clean design by enforcing single responsibility and separation of concerns. Its advanced features are ideal for Domain Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibilty Segragation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing. Kledex also has Azure...