Top 20 NuGet core Packages

RAFT consensus implementation
Extensions of Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting.TestContext for Songhay VSTEST projects
A ReflectInsight for Facebook Messenger .NET Core.
Library contains set of reusable actions and assertions for StoryLine library.
A port of the Rotativa library for the ASP.NET Core library.
A C# Server side component for the popuplar jQuery datatables plugin suitable for core and other netstandard frameworks
Server-Sent Events (SSE) client implementation for .net core and .net standard
PayFast Integration Library For Asp.Net Core
Utilize Bash shell directly in C#/.NET Core
.Net Core based runtime to interact with an running instance of Chrome via the ChromeDevTools protocol.
A plugin library that integrates the functionality of FluentValidation and Xamarin.Forms to provide an unobtrusive user experience.
FlashMessage provides easy cross request notifications for ASP.NET MVC Core based on Twitter Bootstrap alerts.
A high-performance blog web site using ASP.NET Core MVC and the latest in client-side technologies.
Identity package that uses Dapper with SQL Server instead EntityFramework for use with .NET Core.
This is an implementation of a ASP.NET Core 2 MiddleWare to easily use the GraphQL library ( With this MiddleWare, you are able to use GraphQL, WebAPI, MVC and many more end-points in one single web app in parallel.
This is an implementation 'Graphiql' as a ASP.NET Core MiddleWare to easily add a UI for your GraphQL endpoint (
Functional routing for ASP.NET Core C#.
Target .NetFramework 4.5.1 y NetStandard 2.0 (.Net Core 2.0) Intefaces de acceso a datos mediante Entity Framework: -IContext -IDbContext -IBaseUnitOfWork -IRepository
Runs a dotnet command under a specific account
Bionic - An Ionic CLI clone for Blazor projects