Top 20 NuGet core Packages

A simple links shortener for include in .net core projects
Web-related abstration layer for Zen
+ Cryptography Helper + String Helper + Vietnamese currency reader + DateTimeHelper + File Helper + Enum Helper
Cloning entities using EntityFrameworkCore configuration
A functional-first toolkit for building brilliant ASP.NET Core applications using F#.
Package Description
Memory caching provider for Zen
Biblioteca de controles Cardinal .NET Core API.
Biblioteca de núcleo Cardinal .NET Core API.
Xomega framework for building ASP.NET Core based Web API and apps.
Biblioteca de EntityFramework para Cardinal .NET Core API.
ASP.NET Core library for Specification Pattern
WPF Controls to display data outputted by RingSoft.DbLookup. Use with RingSoft.DbLookup.EfCore.
I-Synergy Framework Entities for .Net Core 3.1
Provides the attributed hooks for invoking metrics collector type generation.
Imageflow.Server plugin for fetching source images from S3.
Imageflow.Server plugin for caching processed images to disk.
Liquimail implements glue code to use Liquid templates with MailKit. This package contains ASP.NET Core extensions, helpers and components. For example, this package contains an health check which makes sure that SMTP server is reachable.