Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Jolia core libraries, features, extensions, models and more.
Notification Service for Orchard Core
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion ASP.NET Core Grid server Export and more.
It is a standalone class library that allows to interact with Microsoft OneNote® documents for processing and conversion.
Base package for Workflow-core peristence providers using entity framework
libvideo (aka VideoLibrary) is a modern .NET library for downloading YouTube videos. It is portable to most platforms and is very lightweight. Find us on GitHub at
DNTBreadCrumb.Core Creates custom bread crumb definitions, based on Twitter Bootstrap features.
Classes to serialize, deserialize OData JSON payloads. Supports OData v4 only. Enables construction of OData services via Entity Framework (Linq2Db) DataContext (with/without controller).
Classes bridge from ODataToEntity to Entity Framework Core. Abstraction layer access to DataContext Entity Framework Core.
Geospatial search for the Lucene.NET full-text search engine library from The Apache Software Foundation. Documentation: This package is part of the Lucene.NET project:
Dynamically computed values to sort/facet/search on based on a pluggable grammar for the Lucene.NET full-text search engine library from The Apache Software Foundation. Documentation: This package is part of the Lucene...
Japanese Morphological Analyzer for the Lucene.NET full-text search engine library from The Apache Software Foundation. Documentation: This package is part of the Lucene.NET project: https://www.nug...
Razor view engine support for the Giraffe web framework.
Steeltoe common library for network interaction
Microsoft Azure utilities, including table storage and blob object repositories, easy file upload to block blob and easy access to KeyVault.
dotFramework Core
Core DirectX library.
Primary Chromely implementation library - this is in .NET 6 and cross-platform - can be used in Windows, Linux, MacOS. Chromely version naming is based Chromely and Chromium versions implemented- major.minor.chromuim version.patch e.g
Imageflow.Server - Middleware for fetching, processing, and caching images on-demand. Commercial licenses available.
Clinia CQRS is a .NET Standard framework that can be used to create a simple and clean design by enforcing single responsibility and separation of concerns. Its advanced features are ideal for Domain Driven Design (DDD), Command Query Responsibilty Segragation (CQRS) and Event Sourcing.