Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Recipe to make a new Web API Project.
bBridge API SDK is a .Net library for making calls to bBridge (NExT) API. The library enables users for making API calls from all .Net-enabled platforms.
Infrastructure project setup for building modern enterprise applications using EntityFramework or Azure Table Storage.
This is the core JavaScript files of the Shared framework.
Formula.Core Power Tools - Shared set of tools to be used as a base dependency for all FormlaCoder applications. Some of the tools include: Configuration, Logging, Dependency Injection, Serialization, Security, Diagnostics and several general Utilities to make everyday development quicker and more p...
A package that keeps your static website free of boilerplate ASP.NET Core files.
A collection of ASP.NET Core templates.
Easily serialize complex objects graphs to CSV. Custom field delimeters (quote, new line), headers, full quote all values, remove line breaks in fields, custom text encoding, and serialization attributes. It can also convert some child collections into rows or flatten the collections.
A library to bring you close to HATEOAS without hating it :-)
The core components for the NTwitch library.
A .net core Twitch library containing classes and models to access the rest api.
Contains commonly used functionalities of every systems.