Top 20 NuGet container Packages

A package to aid in implementing dependency injection in a simplified and performant way
A package to aid in implementing dependency injection in a simplified and performant way
A convention that will resolve classes with names ending in "Settings" using Its.Configuration.
UnitOfWork for LiteDB
NDI is a small dependency injection container for .NET C# projects that are small or that do not need the complexity of bigger IOC solutions.
Simple and lightweight dependency injection container. Supported Xamarin platforms: -Android -iOS -Windows Phone -Windows
Core functionality required by ASP.NET MVC bootstrap building blocks.
NRedux is a predictable state container for .NET apps. Inspired by
Package Description
A not so fancy IoC container that works.
Ugly Assembly Loader is a helper that provides the funcionality for load on each execution all the dlls of your project that implements an especific interface in case for example that you need to configure an IoC container in diferents points of your code.
Rachistructure provides basic attribute based aspect oriented programming infrastructure.
Facilitates MVC pattern anywhere with optional support for WPF.
Simple to use universal inversion of control container.