Top 20 NuGet console Packages

A command-line parameter mapping library. It maps command-line parameters to parameters of the entry method in a custom application class. Supported parameter types: String, Int32, Int64, Double, Single and Boolean. Supported parameter kinds: Direct, Entity (Put all parameters in a class). Supporte...
Simple C# Console View Helper
Write output of PerrysNetConsole as fancy HTML
Interpreter for executing console commands using a Roslyn scripting API.
Interpreter for executing manually defined commands.
This library is used to easily develop .NET/Mono shell applications, providing command line parsing, execution context, and other functionalities to design interactive console applications.
A JavaScript based command line interface for web pages.
A wrapper for to obtain and search for themes, badges and splash screens for the Nintendo 3DS.
Window/panel display utility library written with roguelike/2D game development in mind, on top of the C# full color console library RLNET.
A bunch of helpful methods and shortcuts for interacting with System.Console.
Core utility functions for web applications
A small framework that helps to structure the presentation level of a console application.
A POSIX-like command line argument parser.
StructureMap adapter for CommandLineInjector
Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection DI adapter for CommandLineInjector
Lamar adapter for CommandLineInjector
Autofac adapter for CommandLineInjector
Parameter binding + Dependency Injection for .NET Core console apps.