Top 20 NuGet command Packages

Command line parser and configuration provider
Fluid-style command line handler
Command line forms because who doesn't like the terminal?
A Mediator.Net's middleware that to handle unit of work, it provides a CommittableTransaction for Handlers to enlist.
Interfaces for implementing a variation of the Command design pattern.
Simple, light weight, base class for command line parser
A very simple implementation of IExecutor and IExecutorAsync.
NClap is a .NET library for parsing command-line arguments and building interactive command shells. It's driven by a declarative attribute syntax, and easy to extend.
AtleX.CommandLineArguments is a helper library to facilitate parsing command line arguments into a strongly-typed object. Values can be validated with extensible and customisable validators and the library can automatically generate help for the user.
Provides interfaces for CQRS objects like commands, queries and events.
Quick to learn and use MVVM library. Check example on Github.
Command-Line Parameters Parsing
SeaOrDew - A Command (Do) and Query (See) helper library
Abstractions used to help provide caching support.
.Net Standard libary which implements ICommand interface and provides Command and AsyncCommand classes that are tipically used to provide commanding behaviour to user interfaces. This particular library does not rely on CommandManager which is part of WPF, therefore it can be used with Xamarin and ...
SenseLab - Common functionality
EntityFramework 6 Adapters for the Database Pattern Library
This library is used to easily develop .NET/Mono shell applications, providing command line parsing, execution context, and other functionalities to design interactive console applications.
Unity implementation for the Command Processor.