Top 20 NuGet client Packages

.NET CLI for Yandex Desktop.
Provisioning Device Security TPM Client for Azure IoT Devices
Client for Bitfinex and Ethfinex websocket API version 2.0
The APRS Client library is a library which will get you up and running in a snap when your goal is to read APRS feeds.
A generic, strongly typed client.
A generic, strongly typed client.
A client for the apis. The exe can also be used as a consumable library.
C# client implementation for socketcluster framework in node.js
Beetle Mvc Controller Api.
Yet another JsonRPC Class Library for supporting Json-RPC APIs
Unofficial Fortnite Rest Client for the Fortnite Tracker API supporting .NET Core and Framework platforms.
Platform 6 C# client
A cross platform EngineIo client library for .NET NetStandard core.
A Cross Platform Pusher Client for .NET Core NetStandard