Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

微信公众账号 - Redis 模块 Senparc.Weixin SDK 开源项目:
Polly.Caching.Serialization.Json is a plug-in for the .NET OSS resilience library Polly, supporting serialization to and from Json using Newtonsoft.Json
Polly.Caching.MemoryCache is a plug-in for the .NET OSS resilience library Polly, supporting System.Runtime.Caching.MemoryCache as a provider for Polly's CachePolicy.
A custom ASP.NET Core Middleware plugin for distributed cache using Couchbase server as the backing store. Supports both Memcached (in-memory) and Couchbase (persistent) buckets.
A simple caching library to cache any data structure for a specific amount of time in any .NET application. Additionally, offers simple HTTP methods for caching web request data. Powered by LiteDB.
A simple caching library to cache any data structure for a specific amount of time in any .NET application. Additionally, offers simple HTTP methods for caching web request data. Powered by SQLite.
微信公众账号 - Memcached 模块 Senparc.CO2NET SDK 开源项目:
Cache provider for NHibernate using ASP.NET Cache object. Supports SqlCacheDependency, allowing SQL Server changes to invalidate the cache.
An extension for ImageProcessor.Web that applies various image compression tools to further optimize cached .png, .gif, and .jpg images. If you use ImageProcessor please get in touch via my twitter @james_m_south Feedback is always welcome
For NetFramework, a simple cache that exposes the same interface as MemoryCache. For .NET Core extensions to Polly cachng
IMemoryCache implementation of the RevStackCore generic cache repository
KVLite is a partition-based key-value cache built for SQL RDBMSs. This package contains SQL code shared by all drivers.
FluentCache implementations based on Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions interfaces (IMemoryCache and IDistributedCache)
KVLite is a partition-based key-value cache built for SQL RDBMSs. This package contains ASP.NET Core extensions, helpers and components. For example, this package contains efficient extensions for storing POCOs inside ASP.NET Core Session.
The custom transcoders for VIEApps Enyim Caching (Json.NET Bson, MessagePack and Protocol Buffers)
Distributed cache (Redis & Memcached) on .NET
Cache provider for NHibernate using .Net Core IDistributedCache (Microsoft.Extensions.Caching.Abstractions). This provider is not bound to a specific implementation and require a cache factory yielding IDistributedCache implementations.
EasyCaching.ResponseCaching is the extension of ResponseCaching
Basic redis backed implementations of the interfaces in RegenerativeDistributedCache.Interfaces for an external (network) cache, a fan out pub/sub message bus, and a distributed locking mechanism for use with RegenerativeDistributedCache.RegenerativeCacheManager.
Fastest transactional database for .NET applications