Top 20 NuGet cache Packages

SmartSql = MyBatis + Cache(Memory | Redis) + ZooKeeper + R/W Splitting +Dynamic Repository ....
Implements a distributed cache using Firestore, for integration with ASP.NET Core.
Cache plugin for ImageResizer .NET using Microsoft Azure Blob Storage.
A. Net caching component that internally implements memory caching and redis caching, but you can also implement your own caching and injection framework.
Kraken.Caching is a library that generates proxy implementation to the services to the dependency injection and adds customizable caching components
Package Description
SmartCacheManager is a smart caching module to cache objects with resilient and variable expiration timing that is useful for caching result of web services.
Simple "cache-aside" pattern implementation with proactive updating values
Extension package for the LazyCacheHelpers Library to provide easy to use helpers to read cache configuration values from App.Config or Web.config files using System.Configuration; making things like enabling/disabling and dynamic fallback from specialized to generalized config values much easier to...
Minify your CSS/JS. Simple fluent configuration. Wildcard file matching. Browser caching. Works on Azure. Easy script debugging.
A Cache provider over the MS Memory Cache for SisoDb. Can be used both in ASP.Net as well as standalone. SisoDb is a schemaless document-oriented provider for SQL-Server. Using JSON and key-value storage, it lets you persist object graphs without specifying any mappings or extending any base clas...
An API for combining, minifying, compressing, and caching CSS and JavaScript for .NET websites.
Provides a concrete implementation of the caching interface using the System.Runtime in-memory cache.
Provides a concrete implementation of the caching interface using the System.Web HTTP cache.
Caching engine for local and/or remote AppFabric caches.
SharpRepository is a generic repository, add memcached as caching provider
Gets you up and going with an ASP.NET MVC app quicker by providing handy components such as action filters and helper methods to perform actions like caching and logging.
Deprecated. Use
Cache provider for NHibernate using MemCached with Enyim client.
This package contains a Memcached implementation of the abstract ServiceCache.