Top 20 NuGet cqrs Packages

Support for MongoDB for Bifrost
SeekU Azure provider for command bus, event bus, event stream storage, and snapshot storage.
Smartflow is a small and simple module inspired by Greg Young SimpleCQRS. It also borrows alot of ASP.NET MVC source code to facilitate API filtering style such as Attribute filters, Global filters. Dependency injection is also fully supported and on top of it, the aim of this module is keep your co...
This module is an add-on to Smartflow to allow messages to be distributed to RabbitMQ priority queues
NRepository.TestKit is a collection of helper classes for NRepsoitory.
Command/Query (CQS) library which enables to you use dependency injection in your Command/Query handlers. The CQS objects can be executed locally within the same process or through a client/server architecture. You can also scale the execution by using routing CQS objects or divide so that one se...
NRepository.MongoDb is a generic repository library with a strong focus on CQRS.
Enables audit of Saga state changes
Enables audit of Saga state changes
The endpoint plugin to connect an endpoint to Service Control
The endpoint plugin to connect an endpoint to Service Control
Support for Windsor for Bifrost
The endpoint plugin to connect an endpoint to Service Control
The endpoint plugin to connect an endpoint to Service Control
Support code to implement profiles in a NServiceBus host
A CQRS (Event-driven) message router in F#
A CQRS (event driven) message router in F#
Nerve Framework provides a infrastructure platform for .NET applications using CQRS, Dependency Injection (DI) and Inversion of Control (IoC).
Support for CommonServiceLocator for Bifrost
Building any application involves writing some boring general code, this is supposed to help you get started with an event sourced application.