Top 20 NuGet cqrs Packages

O/RM Aspect fore Reinforced.Tecture
Direct SQL Aspect for Reinforced.Tecture
A specification library for Rochas.DapperRepository implementation
Abstractions for Modulos.Messaging package. Designed to be placed into shared (e.q., nuget packages) project/packages containing only defined messages and configuration of them.
A lightweight and easy to use in-process mediator written in .NET 5
Adds authentication and authorization to SharpDomain based application
A Microsoft SQL Server event store implementation for Regalo.Core.
Use Ninject as your IoC container of choice to use WCF with CQRS.NET as ServiceHosts
OWIN middleware for creating a customisable command processing pipeline in CQRS applications
Provides middleware for performing claims authentication on Sequin commands
An application framework supporting the development of time travelling applications
A Rebus-powered event dispatcher for MementoFX
SQL Server database provider for OpenCQRS domain store.
SQLite database provider for OpenCQRS domain store.
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or
Documentation about how to use will be published soon. Please check it out on my blog at or
CQRS Light framework for .Net Core projects