Top 20 NuGet core Packages

MySql.Data.MySqlClient .Net Core Class Library
This library is designed to help generate and send email messages using razor templates.
System for benchmarking the Lucene.NET full-text search engine library from The Apache Software Foundation. Documentation: This package is part of the Lucene.NET project:
Provides classes for generating email using ASP.NET MVC Razor views.
Provides support for determining framework versions, IIS version and feature detection.
Provides common data annotation attributes.
Provides static classes for representing program contracts as preconditions in a way that's compatible with System.Diagnostics.Contracts.
Collection of assembly providers and assembly load helpers. Commonly used types: XploRe.Runtime.Loader.IAssemblyProvider XploRe.Runtime.Loader.AssemblyNameCollectionAssemblyProvider XploRe.Runtime.Loader.FileAssemblyProvider
A .NET Standard 2.0 library for reading, writing and editing PDF files. This is a modified fork based on several OSS projects. For more information see the license.
AspNet Core Localization using SQL database for KEY-VALUE pair and share common storage for both SERVER and Client App. This repository, SQL Localization, inspired by Damien Bod's -, AspNetCore Localization project.
Enterprise Library Shared Library
General purpose extensions to components of the .Net Core Framework
Middleware used to add an HTTP Strict Transport Security header to ASP.NET Core responses. See
This library provides core functionalities for data access layers generated using Genie CLI
A dotnet-new template for Carter applications.
Arragro provider for the Arragro Image Service.
MultiTenancyServer core library.