Top 20 NuGet cms Packages

二维码插件用于在模板中通过标签将 URL 地址生成二维码图片并展示在页面中。
Official AspNetCore library for Evada CMS.
Umbraco CMS Datatype - Document Type Picker
Sync extensions for Piranha
为 SiteServer CMS 系统添加广告发布及管理功能
基于 Vue 的 SiteServer CMS 插件模板
Navi-Tech solutions cms core data access
Provides a UI for editing pages, layouts, regions etc within the CMS. You can include this in your website to allow the pages to be modified, or you can build a separate website (intranet) for managing website content
A cofoundry extensions that lets you query custom entities out of the box. For further information see (This project is not affiliated with cofoundry itself)
Interfaces and classes for scaffolding Sitefinity projects.
Yuzu Delivery For Umbracos
ImageSharp support for the Redakt Imaging library.
This is the main REST CMS API package. This package contains initialization code, controllers, filters and core middleware required to run the REST CMS client API.
Roadkill .NET wiki engine is a lightweight but powerful Wiki platform. It is powered by Lightspeed, ASP.NET Razor and jQuery. Supports Creole, Markdown and a subset of Mediawiki syntaxes.
A simple Mercurial ignore file for Umbraco projects, feel free to contribute :)