Top 20 NuGet build Packages

MainBrain build assemblyinfo project extension.
Copies TypeScript files and build results from referenced projects in solution.
Set AssemblyInformationalVersionAttribute in AssemblyInfo.cs when build project.
MainBrain build task library for XUnit tests.
Easy infrastructure can replace F#'s AST at compile time.
This NuGet package contains a set of re-usable scripts that can be added to your build using the load preprocessor directive. As a result, it is possible to use the same set of build scripts across multiple projects, without having to duplicate the scripts. All that is required is a small recipe b...
Easy infrastructure can replace F#'s AST at compile time.
SourceLink: Source Code On Demand Source Link your Portable PDB files to allow source code to be downloaded on demand
ScriptCs host for ClickTwice publishing, including the script pack
Json based endpoint orchestration addin for cake build.
SourceLink: Source Code On Demand Source Link your Portable PDB files to allow source code to be downloaded on demand
A set of helper classes for generating code.
FAKE - F# Make - is a build automation tool for .NET. Tasks and dependencies are specified in a DSL which is integrated in F#.
Cake Build addon for transfering files to and from Amazon S3.
Cake.Transifex is a addin for the Cake Build script adding support for working with the localization service Transifex. This addin requires that the transifex client is already installed and is available as `tx`. To install the transifex client, install python, then run `pip install transifex-client...
Package Description
This provides a check to monitor a CI/Build server for new builds and then extract and publish build stats from your StoryQ, SpecFlow, NCover reports. Also provides base classes to build new parsers and build notifiers.