Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

AzureSearchToolkit is a lightweight set of tools for Azure Search to quickly build search functionalities for .NET Standard web apps. It features a rich LINQ provider which allows to write strongly typed queries based on your derived context and entity classes. A representation of the LINQ query is...
Build your Azure Media Services workflow (V3 API version) and Azure Data Factory (V2 API version) in .NET Core.
Basic dependency injection for Azure functions V2
Contains an implementation of sink for Microsoft ConfigBuilder for the Invisionware Settings Library
ASP.NET Core Identity implementation using Azure Storage Account.
Microsoft Azure ServiceBus plugin to emulate server-side exceptions
This is simple, light package created using Microsoft Authentication Library (MSAL) to access REST API using OAuth2 and OpenID Connect authentication.
Easily extract insights from your videos and quickly enrich your apps to improve detection and engagement
more365 enables communicating with Microsoft 365 services from a server-side application (aspnetcore / Azure Functions) For Example: Azure AD Authentication using Certificates from Key Vault, Dataverse Queries and Web API Batches, SharePoint File Upload / Download, Graph API convert to PDF and send ...
A base package that helps with x browser tests in Azure DevOps
Provides functionality to store, retrieve and manipulate blobs in the cloud.
Ingest events into Seq directly from Azure Event Hub
Azure Cosmos db Auto Scale.
An easy to use library for Azure Blob Storage.
Extends WebJobs 3 and Azure Functions 2 to enable transforming Azure KeyVault macros into their respective values during local development from local.settings.json and other configuration sources.
An experimental .NET client implementation for the Azure Marketplace SaaS Fulfillment API V2 based on the mock API
High performance, distributed unique id generator for Azure environments.
This API allows you to read and write time series data from Azure Storage Tables efficiently. Data can be stored in chunks of 1 hour or 1 day in size, allowing you to tailor the read/write performance to match you data data frequency and retrieval speeds. This API works with data collected by the IN...
Nebula is a lightweight, fast and cost efficient .NET Core data abstraction library backed by CosmosDb.