Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

The Pandora.ServiceBus Library provides for general quality of life enhancements when working with Azure ServiceBus.
The Pandora.IoC.WebJobs library provides dependency injection helpers for used with Azure WebJobs when using StructureMap
AzureBus: inspired by the simple EasyNetQ API, this library helps you get started with Microsoft Azure Service Bus pub/sub and queues!
FileStorage Azure
Provides shared pipeline functionality for message processing
Implements a variety of processors
You can perform almost any permissible operation: add, remove, update, delete and other. Most of them can be executed parallel and by batches with implementing of caching strategy. Also when you want to get data, one can specify enough complicated condition in Entity Framework .Where style.
Implementation of Ddd intefaces on Azure storage using streastone event sourcing
Some little helpers to make writing Azure Functions in C# a litle easier
This extension adds local data management features to the AptkAma main plugin. Tuto available on Sources, documentation and samples on Twitter @Apptracktive
Some little helpers to make writing Azure Functions and other shortform apps in C# a little easier
Wrapper to interact with the Azure Batch Account.
A .Net library for dealing with Azure storage.
Service Library for IndieGamesLab server components
Provides implementation for Azure Key Vault
Microsoft Graph (Azure Endpoint 2.0) Authentication for ServiceStack
Provides strong types and repository access for mongo DB and Azure Cosmos DB, which is both weak typed. You can have all the sources with examples from here:
Extends the MediaStash.Lib and provides Azure integration. DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of precious t...
Asynchronous messaging using Microsoft Azure.