Top 20 NuGet azure Packages

Use Azure Blob and Table Storage as the read store and data store in CQRS.NET. This version is targeted at .net 4.7.2 using Azure.Data.Tables and Azure.Storage.Blobs version 12
Azure CDN Toolkit for Umbraco
Provides an NHibernate driver that uses the Microsoft Transient Fault Handling library to allow for reliable SQL Azure connections. Unlike NHibernate.SqlAzure, this library doesn't come with TransientFaultHandling IL-merged - instead it's a NuGet dependency.
An NLog target using Microsoft Azure Storage Append Blobs in .NET Core App(1.x ~ 2.x). Supported platforms: - .NET Standard 1.6 - .NET Standard 2.0 - .NET Core 1.0 ~ .NET Core 1.1 - .NET Core 2.0 ~ .NET Core 2.2
AutofacOnFunctions let you easily use the brilliant Autofac capabilities in Azure Functions V2
ApplicationInsights support for Cosmonaut
NSwag SwaggerGenerator for generating Swagger JSON from HttpTriggered Azure Functions. Supports the AzureFunctionsV2.HttpExtensions function signature and authentication extensions as well.
Azure Event Hubs logger provider implementation for Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.
MassTransit Azure Cosmos persistence support; MassTransit provides a developer-focused, modern platform for creating distributed applications without complexity.
Azure Service Bus transport implementation for Tingle.EventBus.
CacheManager extension package which uses System.Web.Caching and also comes with a custom OutputCache provider. CacheManager is an open source caching abstraction layer for .NET written in C#. It supports various cache providers and implements many advanced features.
A set helpers and tools for the Microsoft Azure platform.
A client SDK for Microsoft Azure Search.
Use Ninject as your IoC container of choice with Microsoft Azure DocumentDB for CQRS.NET
Serilog extension to enable logging through serilog for Microsoft Azure WebJobs.
Provides developers with libraries for the updated recovery services backup feature under Azure Resource manager.
Microsoft Orleans transactions storage provider backed by Azure Storage
Provides policy insights operations for Microsoft Azure.
Microsoft Dependency Injection extension methods