Top 20 NuGet authentication Packages

Lucas Solutions Core Persistence
Easily hand out JSON Web Tokens using a REST API accepting username/password.
An easy to use OAuth 2 client for use with any OAuth 2 provider.
A token manager for Sentinel based on RavenDB.
A token manager for Sentinel based on Redis.
Basic Authentication Middleware
ASP.NET 4 VERSION - JBoss Keycloak Authentication Middleware for ASP.NET 4 OWIN
Deprecated. Use the strong named ServiceStack.Authentication.OAuth2 package instead.
Library which implements an OpenID client library written in C#. This library can be used in web applications as an HttpModule to include OpenIDConnect authentication to MVC .NET applications.
Provides various authenticators for user authentication in Crosslight apps, including HttpBasic, NTLM, OAuth, OAuth2, and WebAPI authenticator.
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling Vkontakte authentication.
Authentication primitives.
A library for integrating Privakey authentication to .NET-based web services. Privakey is a secure, password-free, multi-factor authentication service. For more information visit or contact [email protected]
ASP.NET Core security middleware enabling authentication.
Simple authentication token provider for ASP.NET Core
Provides constructs which make it easier to use Auth0 when interacting with protected APIs.
core token validation and configuration for azure ad b2c
Conceptually immutable byte string type
A library for extending UmbracoIdentity to integrate with IdentityServer