Top 20 NuGet Packages

Package contains HeathCheckController wich have to be added to a service project for SDS. Service must be ASP.NET Core app.
This package provides additional types and extension methods specifically for using ModulEngine with ASP.NET Core, including simplified configuration and improved logging
A model binder for ASP.NET Core which allows you to bind to JToken (so JArray and JObject are covered) from either application/json or from an html form post
Request localization for Microsoft.AspNetCore that redirect to a URL with culture data
Common tools to create selects for ASP.NET Core MVC applications
Classical ASP.NET/MVC integration for the Operations framework
A Blazor state management library by TimeWarp
Taurus.mvc is a high-performance mvc and webapi framework for or core(适合场景:对性能和并发有较高要求的电商、站点、WebAPI等系统,支持.Net Framework 2.0+,.Net Core 2.1+,天然支持分布式,内置微服务【注册中心、网关、客户端】三合一。【开源:】
Ultimate HTML to PDF ( lets you add the capability to convert HTML webpages or text in file or data stream to PDF documents or images with ease. It supports HTML5, CSS3, WebFonts, SVG, Canvas, and Graphic objects. It also supports Javascript, internal and ext...