Top 20 NuGet amazon Packages

Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-EC2.Win32'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Pluggable foundation blocks for building distributed apps.
Package to help with the conversion of UTC/GMT AWS times to a specified USA Timezone. PACKAGE NOT AFFILIATED WITH AMAZON
A .NET implementation of Amazon Ion Hash.
This package provides the functionality to utilize the features of Syncfusion Blazor FileManager component in Physical file system and more.
AWS S3 client
NFX CORE Package NFX UNISTACK includes: Application Container + Dependency Injection facilities Configuration engine BigMemory: Local/Distributed piles/heaps, ability to store hundreds of millions of objects resident in memory for long times without killing GC BigMemory Cache - sto...
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-ACM'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-ApplicationAutoScaling'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-CloudTrail'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-ImportExport'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-Inspector'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-MarketplaceCommerceAnalytics'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-MobileAnalytics'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-OpsWorks'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-RDS'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-Route53Domains'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-SimpleDB'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).
Redistributable components for package 'AWSSDKCPP-StorageGateway'. This package should only be installed as a dependency. (This is not the package you are looking for).