Top 20 NuGet access Packages

An implementation of ExpressionVisitor that builds up a path string that represents member access in an Expression
Additional interfaces and core implementations for LoreKeeper.
Entity Framework 6 implementation of LoreKeeper.
Create your data access layer the way you want to.
BCodeSoft database operation.With Access,SQL Server,MySQL,Oracle.
A simple data access layer built using Dapper for the .NET Standard Library.
Simple Access ORM provides database access in methods naming pattern. Documentation of using SimpleAccess is available at
This tool allows you to import and export access team to an environnement from/to a CSV file.
Repository based data access layer.
Simple Access ORM provides database access in methods naming pattern. Documentation of using SimpleAccess is available at
Simple Access ORM provides database access in methods naming pattern. Documentation of using SimpleAccess is available at
Azure CosmosDb Implementation of DataStore
An app plugin to Our.Shield.Core Umbraco Cms package to handle restricting access to the frontend
MMSC Token Helper would create token for you. You need to create app in app registration in azure. Just supply Client id, Client Secrete, Username and Password.
A very small tool to check the internet connectivity.very simple to use and easy to impliment in your project.
.NET wrapper for API
A simple-to-configure Log4Net provider for SQL Server, MySQL, Oracle, DB/2, PostgreSQL, SQLite, MS SQL CE, MS Access, SQLAnywhere and Firebird