Top 20 NuGet aspnetcore Packages

Api.Result is a basic package created to encapsulate, standardize and facilitate the return of results with messages, errors or data for communication between server to server, server to client or between application layers such as ASP.NET Core Web API.
The collection of the functionality for Azure Storage, Blob, Queue and Table for AspNetCore.
AspNetCore ReCapture Middleware and Html Tags Helpers.
The collection of AspNetCore Middlewares for Production and Development purposes.
Wire serializer for OpenMessage
Utf8Json serializer for OpenMessage
ServiceStackJson serializer for OpenMessage
Protobuf serializer for OpenMessage
MsgPack serializer for OpenMessage
MessagePack serializer for OpenMessage
Hyperion serializer for OpenMessage
Kafka consumer and dispatcher implementation for OpenMessage
Bing.Permissions 是Bing应用框架的权限类库。
Mediatr implementation for OpenMessage
AspNetCore integration for Identifiers with DependencyInjection integration
Orleans backplane for SignalR Core.
Storm framework for API with aspnet core
The AspNetCore MVC integration library for the singularity ioc container
The Base Testing Framework for Unit, Functional and Integration Tests.
Event Sourcing, CQRS and DDD framework for modern C#/.NET applications. .NET Core global tool for database migrations.