Top 20 NuGet ascii Packages

Detect character set for files, streams and other bytes. This package is based on Ude and since version 2 also on uchardet, which are ports of the Mozilla Universal Charset Detector. Features: - Easy to use API - Supports frameworks: - .NET Standard 1.0 - .NET Standard 1.3 and 2.0 - .N...
Style your C# console output!
App Metrics Formatters for metrics and environment data to plain text.
ASCII banner generation for .NET
App Metrics Formatters for health check results to plain text.
A library that emulates old-school console and command prompt style graphics.
Unicode to ASCII transliteration
Library for advanced formatting of console/terminal output. Format output like HTML using either .NET DSL (like LINQ to XML), or XAML with bindings (like WPF). Supports paragraphs, lists, grids, Unicode formatting, drawing, export to various formats and much more.
Table of ASCII character attributes
A graphics hosting library for SadConsole that targets SFML.
A graphics hosting library for SadConsole that targets MonoGame.
An FNA library that emulates old-school console and command prompt style graphics. Use the SadConsole.Starter package for new projects.
# AsciiExtensions ASCII extensions for .NET ## Instalation Add *AsciiExtensions.cs* or *AsciiExtensions.dll* to your Visual Studio project. Add *using System.Text.Ascii;* to your source file. ## Usage ```csharp var a = "München ist eine “übergröße” Stadt".ToAscii(); // a : "Munchen ist eine "u...
A library of common classes that extend SadConsole with new controls, windows, and more.
Provides ASCII Protocol support to .NET platforms Windows, Xamarin and MAUI
Implementation of the Technology Solutions ASCII Protocol for use with Universal Apps, Universal Windows Platform, Xamarin and Xamarin Forms
A .NET library for reading RexPaint images.
Library to convert a list of values into a "table" (ASCII-styled, markdown, csv)
Simple class for collecting structured text in an app and export it to HTML or an ASCII plain text file. Use library to create simple reports from apps or from unit testing i.e. for auditors or as documentation.
Chartect.IO is a character detection library. Forked from UDE, a port of Mozilla Universal Charset Detector.