Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

TZM.XFramework is a lightweight and high performance object-relational mapper for .NET use the original Entity Framework api.
Registers OntraportApi in an ASP.NET Core Web project to add API-managed marketing automation
A set of classes and functions to ease our daily .Net development tasks.
Three-in-one .NET library to work with Azure Kinect depth sensors. It includes sensor API, recording and playback API, body tracking API. Compatible with .NET Standard 2.0 and .Net Framework 4.6.1 and later, .NET 6 and later. All required binaries from Azure Kinect Sensor SDK (win x64, x86) are incl...
Silk.NET is a high-speed, advanced library, providing bindings to popular low-level APIs such as OpenGL, OpenCL, OpenAL, OpenXR, GLFW, SDL, Vulkan, Assimp, and DirectX.
Apple Business Chat SDK. It is a .NET C# library used to integrate directly with customers using iPhone, iPad, Mac, and Apple Watch. Allows you to send and receive notifications to easily chat, get assistance, schedule appointments, and complete purchases with Apple Pay, right from within Messages.
.net standard cache manager based on MemoryCache
Audit logging functionality for .net core web application
.net standard smtp mail manager based on SmtpClient
.net standard extensions for reference and/or non reference types.
WPF aero glass window lib Features: - blur window - custom title foreground - controlBox visibility - icon visibility - title visibility - enable/disable context menu - control box visibility - content span - blur background What's Changed: - suppor...
.net standard PBKDF2 manager
Shared functions library for Exprelsior, a .NET Standard lambda expression generator for creating dynamic predicates.
A .NET Standard lambda expression generator for creating dynamic predicates.
Framework for post-build processing of .NET assemblies.
An update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Framework 4.8 - 4.8.1 and .NET 6 - 8. This is the ribbon module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET Framework 4.8 - 4.8.1, .NET 6 - 8. Also, all libraries are included targeting each specific framework vers...
An update to Component factory's krypton toolkit to support .NET Framework 4.8 - 4.8.1 and .NET 6 - 8. This is the navigator module. This package supports all .NET Framework versions starting .NET Framework 4.8 - 4.8.1, .NET 6 - 8. Also, all libraries are included targeting each specific framework v...
ModbusCore is a .NET Standard Modbus implementation.
Repository pattern implementation of MongoDB GridFS in .NET Framework