Top 20 NuGet .net Packages

Provides common extensions and new APIs for the .NET Framework.
A set of classes and functions to ease our daily .Net development tasks.
Telegram Bot API client library for .NET that supports both Bot APIs 2.0 and inline Bot APIs.
FluentScheduler interface for confifu
Microsoft Azure Application Insights implementation of Orleans Telemetry API.
Use StructureMap as the IoC container for Mediator.Net
Erdas Raster Wrapper is .NET Framework wrapper to help with using the unmanaged Erdas Raster library. ECW (Enhanced Compression Wavelet) is a proprietary wavelet compression image format optimized for aerial and satellite imagery. It was developed by Earth Resource Mapping, and is now owned by Inte...
Please upgrade to version 12 (Search ThinkGeo.Core on NuGet) if possible. Version 12 works with both .NET Framework and .NET Core, has much less dependencies and many other benifits over 10.0. NauticalCharts Layer is available in ThinkGeo.NauticalCharts in Version 12. ThinkGeo.MapSuite.Layers...
Advance Framework Practice by BDO Canada LLP IT Solution practice
The Xablu Walkthrough plugin is a component that aims to simplify the cross-platform implementation of Walkthrough.
Provisioning Device Client MQTT Transport for Azure IoT Devices
Microsoft Orleans persistence providers backed by Azure Storage
This NuGet package contains the Trial Version of the iConfRTCWPF.dll (x64) needed to compile a project that uses the iConfRTC SDK in a WPF Application. The iConfRTC SDK is designed to help develoeprs easily create WebRTC enabled desktop based applications.
Common class for .Net development of MVC and WebForm application
EdiFabric EDI Tools is a lightning-fast and easy-to-use developer SDK to parse, generate, validate, split, and acknowledge EDI files. Supports X12, EDIFACT, EANCOM, HL7, VDA, NCPDP, EDIGAS, HIPAA, IATA, and many more. 1. Getting started