Top 20 NuGet Packages

A .NET library for parsing incoming Postmark mail messages.
Postmen API, SDK
Simply facade library over System.Net.Mail API.
Scriban based template renderer for PostOffice, a simply facade library over System.Net.Mail API.
A caching library based on Aspect Oriented Programming with PostSharp.
A class annotated with [DeepSerializable] and all of its fields, recursively, are marked as serializable.
An example PostSharp add-in that adds Console.WriteLine("Hello World!") to every method annotated with [HelloWorld].
Embeds dependencies as resources so that you have a standalone executable
Automatically generates Equals and GetHashCode for annotated classes.
Throws an exception if your unsafe code attempts to write to memory you don't control
Allows you to make all or almost all of your methods virtual.
PostSharp.Toolkit.Domain signed until v3 will be in prod