Top 20 NuGet Packages

.NET client library for Servisim web services (
Receive location beacons from Mictrace GPS trackers and use the data for anything.
Common C# Extenstion Methods!
Package Description
Logs middleware for .net core WebApi
Simple middleware package with dependency injection support. Autofac support.
Middlink CQRS.Operations.
This Package contains an implementation of an grouped ObservableCollection
The RabbitMQ implementation package of the Miffy Framework
Collection of utilities to aid MigraDoc users.
.NET Standard port of Migrant. Fast and flexible serialization framework usable on undecorated classes.
Database provider for kcartlidge/migratable adding support for MySql/MariaDB
Database provider for kcartlidge/migratable adding support for Postgres
PostgreSQL provider for Marvin.Migration (migration tool for .NET: supports sql script migrations and custom migrations written by C#)
Create and use views without having to migrate them onto the database
DNX command line tool to enable EF6 migrations in an Asp.Net Core app
This NuGet package has been made obsolete and moved to a new package named 'AspNetCore.Authentication.Basic'. Please consider removing this package and download the new one as there will be no future updates on this package. Sorry for the inconvenience caused. This was done purely for the naming of ...
Package wrapping EntityFramework and its DbContext.
Package Description