Top 20 NuGet Packages

Library that assists in using ADO.NET and Entity Framework in the same work unit.
Provides a common API for calling into JavaScript hosted in a web view in Xamarin.iOS, Xamarin.Android, and Xamarin.Forms apps. Releases ======== + 0.0.1: incremental bug fixes + 0.0.1-pre1: initial NuGet release
Wcf service hosted under an Hybrid Service. Will run as Console Application on interactive environment otherwise will run as a Windows service. Services instances will be created using Unity as dependency injection container.
A framework to make life easier when creating Hybrid WebApps with Windows 10
Toolkit that makes working with the HybridWebApp Framework simpler. Targeting Windows 10 apps.
Currently supported: Nunchuck and Classic Controller.
Currently supported: Servo, SparkFun Ardumoto.
Hydrogen Async Extensions for ASP.NET MVC 5
A building elements library for AEC.
Hype is a proof-of-concept deep learning library, where you can perform optimization on compositional machine learning systems of many components, even when such components themselves internally perform optimization. This is enabled by nested automatic differentiation (AD) giving you access to the ...
Object mapping framework utilising the Roslyn compiler
Hyperboliq.SqlServer - Hyperboliq adapter for SQL Server
Typed version of the Hyperletter library.
Build beautiful Hypermedia APIs in Web API.