Top 20 NuGet Packages

FeatureSwitch helper library for System.Web.Optimization
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Azure DocumentDB.
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Service Fabric configuration packages.
FeatureToggle provider for storing feature toggles in Azure Table storage.
Featurify is a package that provides the ability to selectively show features without the need for a new release. It specifically targets user specific features and leverages the DI framework to identify the metada and the user, instead of using application settings.
A .Net library for interacting with the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) API. This is a free package. If this project helps you reduce time to develop, please make a donation via our project page. It encourages us to keep making the package better and more efficient. Thank you.
Feedback messages utility for .NET Web application. Display your feedbacks for web clients easily.
Feedback messages utility for .NET Web application. Display your feedbacks for web clients easily.
Feedback messages utility for .NET Web application. Display your feedbacks for web clients easily.
Package Description
RSS/Atom/RDF feed parser in .NET Standard 2.0
FeedParserPCL is a PCL to parse Atom, Rss and Rdf feed.
.net framework that helps you build applications easily
A small, easy to configure container
Calendar extension for Feliz.Bulma
Adds easy to use delayed rendering
React-Markdown bindings based on the Feliz API
pigeon-maps bindings based on the Feliz API
react-popover bindings based on the Feliz API