Top 20 NuGet Packages

ASP.NET Core support for the Dotnet Microservice library
Fualtify Mutation Analyzers
Microsoft Extensions of FileProviders - Single string file provider.
Этот пакет содержит русские вспомогательные сборки для System.ComponentModel.Annotations
Simplifies data encryption and decryption, removing the need to handle byte arrays, memory slices and other low level implementation details.
Parses Visual Studio launchSettings.json
A simple retry mechanism for .net
Manipulate SourceMaps with .NET.
DotNet.Standard.NParsing .Net Standard Class Library
DotNet.Standard.NParsing.DbUtilities .Net Standard Class Library
Contains such data as target framework monikers (TFM) and symbols
nuget package 01
Commonly used helpers for dotnet core, including a cache manager, a file system utility, a xml marshaller for serialization and deserialization and a simple encryption and decryption utility.
Generates an environment to execute an Azure Data Factory DotNetActivity without Azure HDInsight.
This library adds extension methods to use the DotNetAES functionality on datatables.
Utilities for working with collections.
General purpose exception library.