Top 20 NuGet Packages

Provides integration of AppCore .NET validation into ASP.NET Core MVC.
AppDynamics extension sdk provides an easy way to build extensions for AppDynamics .NET agent. AppDynamics .NET agent extensions can be used to send custom metrics or events from agent machine to AppDynamics monitoring platform.
An URL extension helper to append version to content URL for files such as js, css, json, etc for cache busting.
.NET Event Client for the Windows Phone 7
This package has a log4net appender to push log data into Windows Server AppFabric Cache. There is both a synchronous appender as well as an asynchronous buffering appender.
Data structures definitions for AppFiber projects.
ASP.NET web API controller pattern for a SignalR hub.
Autofac integration for AppFunc
SimpleInjector integration for AppFunc
StructureMap integration for AppFunc
Unity integration for AppFunc
A tool to deploy azure web app over ftp
MsBuild helpers for BizTalk
A library of helper classes for testing integration and BizTalk projects
A library of helper classes for testing integration and BizTalk projects
WCF behaviour to authenticate against Azure AD
WCF behaviour to authenticate against Azure AD
BizTalk components to help with Dynamics CRM integration
BizTalk components to help with Dynamics CRM integration