Top 20 NuGet Packages

XamJam's Nav component for model-view-based navigation in root, tabbed, and navigation page schemes (or combinations thereof).
XamJam utility component, not expected to be directly useful to most developers. This is not the code you're looking for.
A visual wall of components that supports panning and selecting a single component. Typically used to view large numbers of images.
This package allows you to easily create responsive xaml code using directly extra properties like X:XS.Column="1", X:XS.Row="3",X:XS.Margin="5,2,8,10", ... This package exists for UWP Win10, Universal App 8.1 and WPF! Xaml sample: <Grid> <Grid.ColumnDefinitions> <ColumnDefinition/> <Co...
This is a simple UI control to allow cropping of an image for XAML apps on WinRT (written in C#). It supports using a fixed or non-fixed aspect ratio. It fully supports touch, including pinch/stretch and inertia, as well as mouse control.
This is a code displaying tool for themes library in WPF
XAML inspector is a utility to analyse visual issues of a running XAML app. Inspect the visual tree, monitor and edit properties, bindings, resources and events.
A base class for nested markup extensions and a collection of useful extensions for WPF 3.5 and 4.x. This packged is signed with strong named. Public Key Token da17a8a04a0e3b31
XAML Spy libraries for Android, iOS and Windows apps. Use this package if you need to connect to XAML Spy manually.
A helper library of BindingConverters, MarkupExtensions, and other utilities for building XAML applications for WPF 4 & 4.5, Silverlight 4 & 5, Windows Phone 7.5 & 8, and Windows 8.x.
XamlIntegRT helps to prevent unauthorized modifications of XAML files for Windows 8 apps
XAMLtoMVC was created to ease tasks in web development when you have something to display that is impossible (or nearly impossible) with html. And especially with images you want to use, but you realize you can't because they are too static to reflect even the smallest changes. The solution is...
XamlTune has two main goals: 1 - A svg to xaml conversion library. 2 - A xaml formatter that cleans and refines xaml
The Progress Steps element can be used to display the current step.
Simple MVVM (Model, ViewModel, View) Framework