Top 20 NuGet Packages

Library to help save and restore window states.
Azure extensions to the Windsor AppConfigFacility
基于.net 4.0 的winfrom 快速开发框架, 包含了常用的增删查改界面实现 动态创建表格(DataGridView) 输入控件的数据绑定 常用业务控件的封装 统一风格的窗体封装 动态菜单及基本权限管理的全实现 高级搜索的实现 目的:直接用于业务模块开发
Licensing for Winform SDK.
This is a fork of the A Professional Calendar on codeplex & CodeProject ( That project hasn't been updated in several years and is broken in several ways. This project aims to update the code to the newest ...
User control that allow put on your Windows Form application a 'navigation tree' like Wordpress admin panel or bootstrap navigation menu
This project is an extension of the WinForms development function, enabling the use of data binding and command binding in WinForms program development
WinFormsCT will scan any System.Windows.Forms.Form and all of its child controls recursively to generate a sliced-based height map. This package contains the tomographer as well as a UserControl to interactively browse your WinForms UI.
Library to enhance the given capabilities of Windows Forms applications.
A simple experimental framework for dockable extensible GUI
General-purpose C# assistance library. See GitHub for more. Wingman.DI contains a dependency injection container, and a ServiceFactory which allows passing parameters when creating objects from a dependency container.
Owin Hosting with MEF project compiled for .NET Standard HttpListener that comes with Owin can not be used in .NET Standard scenarios as is bases on Windows specific implementation, thus set ServerFactory as below... var options = new StartOptions("http://localhost:8080/"); options. ServerFactory ...
HTTP Owin Hosting with MEF Composition project compiled for .NET Standard
SFML Platform specific UI rendering ... part of effort to have cross platform UI stack based on XAML. Targets Linux, MacOS and Windows Desktop scenarios. SFML offers widest range of cross platforms, build on top OpenGL.
UWP Platform specific UI rendering ... part of effort to have cross platform UI stack based on XAML. Targets Windows 10 Tablet, Mobile, Xbox, PC scenarios.
Allows to use POCO Controllers concept with WebAPI 5.2.3. Also, uses MEF to manage dependencies.
A support library for discovering Windows IoT Core devices on a network, just like the WinIoTCoreWatcher application.
Interface to handle logging work