Top 20 NuGet Packages

Small library that provides... bouncing dots. This feature is used in number of messaging apps (such as Hangouts or Messenger), and lately in Android TV (for example when connecting to Wifi). Don't forget to add Mono.Android.Export as reference.
Library for Sending magic packets and performing IP address operations.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for wallabyjs. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: a9b14b63228493d4d742f13350a91e085bea8bed].
Emissor de Nota Fiscal Eletrônica: Atenção: Esse pacote foi movido para "NFeEletronica"
Hundreds been wallpapers category. You can search and download sample :
Collections and collection extensions
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for wampy. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 06a49b2445d2e1c7fdd52ef3f426ac6528d9b760].
.NET Standard port of the WanaKana JavaScript Japanese transliterator
Provides a web api client core for calling wep api from server to server
Adds GeoPoint scalar type.
Warble.NET provides a platform agnostic C# API around the Warble C library
Warden integration with Seq.
Implementations of wham ProjectModel for gitree format where directory and file structure is a part of datafile content, building up final datafiles from tiny files. It's mostly designed to work well with VCS such as git.
Warp10 client library for Fable/F#