Top 20 NuGet Packages

Multitenancy abstractions and core services for .NET Standard.
Tool for loading drivers on GHI Mainboards
Custom file format support for usage with with embedded NETMF libraries and applications
SKGL – Serial Key Generating Library is a very simple licensing system that might be used to protect .NET Applications. If you like it, please donate! Features * Create and validate human-readable serial keys. * Simple 20 characters format: MUYVD-LSEBY-CXHRQ-XFAGY. * Add eight different featu...
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for ski. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
Lightweight SkiaSharp renderers for Xamarin.Forms
Lightweight SkiaSharp renderers for Xamarin.Forms
Lightweight SkiaSharp renderers for Xamarin.Forms
This package adds Vulkan support to SkiaSharp via SharpVk.
MongoDB Distributed cache Implementation
Data Protection Implementation with usign Skidbladnir.Repository.MongoDB
Repository implemetation MongoDB
ASP.NET Core package for creating intent endpoints for Amazon Alexa skills
Json based REST api for Legion framework.
An extensible and scalable .Net component for processing elements in a tree in an async and parallel way.
Ham Approver is a workflow item for Umbraco Forms, that helps you eliminate SPAM submissions without sacrifizing UX. It runs each submission against Plino, to determine whether the submission is ham or spam.
SkyAPM.Diagnostics for MySqlData
Umbraco package for integration with the web service.
Char limit property editor for Umbraco 7+