Top 20 NuGet Packages

A easy to use, easy to implent, IRC library with DCC (Download) support for C#. See for more information:
This is a simple library for generating JWT Tokens. All the necessary information is available on project's github page linked below.
Provides high and low level classes for communicating with an Apache Kafka cluster. Based off jroland/kafka-net but simplified and providing more control for clients
Simple Log, Genera un archivo XML. Generates an XML file.
SimpleLogging is a lite and tiny package to help logging in any .NET application. This core library is a Portable Class Library. It's also mainly just some common framework for other SimpleLogging packages - which is really what you should be using.
Package contains very simple math library which can be usefull in doing simple operations on arrays.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for simplemde. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 91d45c49a3b5cd6a0abbf5f319c1406fd4f2b1e7].
Classes for seriazing messages to and from REST web services.
SimpleML provides implementations of basic machine learning algorithms.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for simple-mock. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
Simplified dataaccess layer with Enterprise Library's Sql Accessor Implementation. Please visit for more information
Basic contracts that are needed for SimpleNet.ServiceHost to start pluggable Windows Services - Provides Interfaces and Binding Defaults for making WCF calls using HTTP, TCP, MSMQ bindings. - Provides the Proxy layer to "Invoke" these services so you do not have to create "ServiceReferences" ...
MS Sql Server connection provider for SimpleNet.Core.Data
Simple C# wrapper for Stanford CoreNLP (see README for details).