Top 20 NuGet Packages

TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for react-tap-event-plugin. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: 473232e5dbd179e9ee682fab12f796720f37b118].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for react-virtualized. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: f46e80640829b7dc43a4030868c1e82889acdabd].
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for read. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: b14601af3fb2ad72d5048e94188a569a1838fb9c].
Portable class library for the Readability service.
Adds readiness probe endpoint to AspNetCore applications which can be used by kubernetes. Allows to perform time consuming operations after startup and indicate that app not ready to receive traffic during this time.
Convert your TextView in ExpandableTextView with added options ReadMore/ReadLess.
Using this package, you can quickly build your own API service with enterprise architecture. This package includes caching, logging, service versioning in plug-in, authorization, and many extensions to make your work easier.
Basic Authentication Middleware For Net Core
Basic Api Requirements with Owin
Get Real Cursor Position (DPI, Font Zoom).
A tiny eventing system for adding domain events to your application. Supports running tasks both sync and async. Perfect for keeping code simple, self contained and to the point. Documentation available on GitHub:
HTTP Proxy based on NancyFx which supports extension and modifying requests.
Part of the The Realtime Framework, Realtime Cloud Messaging (aka ORTC) is a secure, fast and highly scalable cloud-hosted Pub/Sub real-time message broker for web and mobile apps. If your website or mobile app has data that needs to be updated in the user's interface as it changes (e.g. real-time s...
Part of the The Realtime Framework, Realtime Cloud Messaging (aka ORTC) is a secure, fast and highly scalable cloud-hosted Pub/Sub real-time message broker for web and mobile apps. If your website or mobile app has data that needs to be updated in the user's interface as it changes (e.g. real-time s...
Package containing Hypermedia models and classes to assist in the setup
A Rebel Query lib Rebel Query is a powerful sql lib for C#/.NET applications. Rebel Query is a complete lib for your application retrieve data from SQL Servers. Provides full data abstraction for Queries results, giving speed and easily for .NET queries
The Rebilly .NET SDK makes it easy for developers to access Rebilly REST APIs from their .NET code.
JohnE5 (based on everyone's favorite Short Circuit character) uses a weighted word association multi-category classifier concept which is ideal for training text taxonomization models. The project is open source and is designed to be an entry point into understanding the mechanics of machine learnin...