Top 20 NuGet Packages

Create vector based font icons for TabbedPages and Labels. Using vector based font icons removes the need to scale images. FontAwesome, IonIcons, FoundationIcons, and Themify Icon keys included.
Provides a IFontProvider for PdfSharp
Font-Awesome-4.7.0 for Windows Forms and WPF
A library for embbeding Font Awesome icons in WPF & Windows Forms applications
This Package is deprecated, please use FontAwesome5 instead. UWP controls for the iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit Font Awesome 5. For examples Font-Awesome Version: 5.3.1
This Package is deprecated, please use FontAwesome5 instead. WPF controls for the iconic SVG, font, and CSS toolkit Font Awesome 5. For examples Font-Awesome Version: 5.3.1
An umbraco property editor for Font Awsome Icons which is User Upgradable to keep up todate with the latest Font Awesome Icons.
TypeScript Definitions (d.ts) for fontfaceobserver. Generated based off the DefinitelyTyped repository [git commit: bb12562cf04fba91019135ff7f0424cc6dc0a4fc].
Easily create scalable, colorful font-based icons in WPF applications.
FontsInstaller is a .NET library that lets developers choose the fonts required by their applications then at runtime auto-checks and installs them if not available on any client machine.
FontsInstaller.Cmd is a command-line utility that checks and/or installs unavailable fonts on any client machine.
This is some serious stuff!
foobar2000 is an advanced freeware audio player for the Windows platform. Some of the basic features include full unicode support, ReplayGain support and native support for several popular audio formats.
Textbox with Hilight and Regex and Folding
Foogle Charts is an easy to use F# wrapper for Google Charts visualization library. It supports Pie charts, Geo charts and lots more...
Adds support for Azure storage of feature state
Adds support for Autofac, including automatic implementation selection based on FooId state at resolution time
Footprints ServiceCore Toolkit is a cross platform portable class library that helps developers integrate with BMC FootPrints ServiceCore.