Top 20 NuGet Packages

A simple repository for the hashing of a fingerprint image and the checking to see if a fingerprint matches a hash.
Fingeprint macthing library based on code and papers of Miguel Angel Medina Pérez
C# port of Finite State Entropy codec.
Convert SqlDbType and DbType to System.Type and a few other helpful extensions. Most common are DbType.GetClrType and SqlDbType.GetClrType
Finteza SDK is a set of ready-made scripts for sending and proxying events from the server side of ASP.NET Core websites.
This is C# RTL which enables integration of FioranoMQ with .NET. Build number #10534.
Library to download the data from the fipe table through FIPE WebAPI.
Provides JSON serialization support using ServiceStack.Text.
Fire-API for .NET Framework by Renaud42.
C# bindings for Firebase APIs In-App Messaging iOS Library
A wrapper that allows you to use the iOS/Android Firebase Auth bindings (by Xamarin) from your netstandard library.
.NET library for Google Firebase (Auth, Database and Storage) with WPF/Windows Desktop app.
A supporting package for Firebase.Auth.Rest that makes creating custom tokens easier.
An unofficial package for Firebase Auth, supporting creating users, logging in users, and validating tokens through ASP.NET MVC Core.
Firebase library for C#. More Documantion is coming soon
FirebaseNetAdmin is a .NET library for interacting with Firebase Database and Storage.
This library facilitates the creation of dynamic parameters for PowerShell cmdlets written in .NET
Wrapper for Firebase REST API for .NET