InstChoco.exe NuGet Package

InstChoco - The ULTIMATE Chocolatey and Chocolatey packages (re)installer!

QUESTION: "Why do I need an installer for Chocolatey when I already have Chocolatey installed?"

ANSWER: You need InstChoco for the NEXT time you want to install Chocolatey and automate package (re)installation!

InstChoco is the evolution of an old batch file I’ve used over the years to automate installing Chocolatey followed by a bunch of "choco install packagename -y" commands to install my standard toolset of programs.

In 2017 I turned that old batch file into a program with many additional features. Thus, InstChoco was born. I also integrated InstChoco with other Chocolatey packages I've created. InstChoco is especially useful when used along with Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud (

What you see now is the culmination of many long hard hours of work making InstChoco the ULTIMATE Chocolatey and Chocolatey packages (re)installer! InstChoco is extremely feature rich, but I'm always open to new ideas and features. Feel free to contact me via with feedback or suggestions.

* InstChoco uses ferventcoder/Rob's "Install with cmd.exe" method for installing Chocolatey.
* InstChoco can install Chocolatey v0.10.11 offline. No Internet required.
* InstChoco will enable up to four choco features if you pass them as parameters,
i.e. allowGlobalConfirmation, failOnAutoUninstaller, allowEmptyChecksums, useRememberedArgumentsForUpgrades, etc.
* InstChoco can download a PACKAGES.CONFIG file from the Internet and install packages from that downloaded file.
* InstChoco will automatically search for a PACKAGES.CONFIG file in various locations on your computer and install
packages from it if found.
* InstChoco has baked in support for Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud.

InstChoco will use the first found
PACKAGES.CONFIG in the following order: current directory, Documents folder, HOMESHARE, Box, Dropbox, Google Drive,
iCloudDrive, OneDrive, ReadyCLOUD, Nextcloud, Resilio Sync, Seafile, or Tonido Sync.
* InstChoco has baked in support for Choco Persistent Packages. InstChoco will use PERSISTANTPACKAGES.CONFIG and
install packages from it if found.
* InstChoco has a baked in mini version of Choco Package List Backup to Local and Cloud to backup a list of your
installed Chocolatey packages.
* InstChoco has baked in support for Windows Active Directory domains. InstChoco will use various PACKAGES.CONFIG
files based on domain and user account to install packages from them if found. Now you can easily standardize
your organization with base Chocolatey package installs.

* InstChoco will use DOMAINNAMEPACKAGES.CONFIG and install packages from it if found.

This allows Windows AD domain
joined computers to have a commonly installed base setup of Chocolatey packages across all organizational computers.
To use this feature, system administrators of Windows AD domains need to create a DOMAINNAMEPACKAGES.CONFIG
file and put it in your logon server's NETLOGON directory;
* InstChoco will use USERNAMEPACKAGES.CONFIG and install packages from it if found. This allows users of Windows AD
domain joined computers to have their own specific Chocolatey packages installed for them, useful for first time
setup and roaming users. To use this feature, system administrators or users in Windows AD domains need to create
a USERNAMEPACKAGES.CONFIG file and put it in the root of the user's HOMESHARE;


Got any InstChoco.exe Question?


Version: 2.11.0
Author(s): Bill Curran
Last Update: Sunday, July 21, 2019
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url:
NuGet Url:

Install-Package instchoco
dotnet add package instchoco
paket add instchoco
instchoco Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






