xBIM WeXplorer NuGet Package

WeXplorer is the visualization part of xBIM toolkit that deals with vizualization of IFC data on web using preprocessed wexBIM file.

It uses cutting edge web technologies like WebGL so it is not supposed to work in old browsers but should work very well with Chrome or Mozzilla since 2011, IE11 and others with support for this technology. Use xBIM Essentials and xBIM Geometry to create optimalized and compressed wexBIM files for vizualization.

xBIM is an Open Source Toolkit for developing IFC based applications (BuildingSmart Data model).
It provides full support for reading and writing geometry, topology and data in accordance with the Ifc2x3 schema.
xBIM reads and writes Ifc, IfcXMl and IfcZip formats.
The xBIM project provides packages to convert IFC models to COBie spreadsheets in both UK and US cultures as well as a range of 3D viewing controls for use with Windows forms, WPF, WEBGL and OpenGL platforms.
IOS and Android versions are under development.

Got any xBIM WeXplorer Question?


Version: 0.1.41
Author(s): xBIM team
Last Update: Thursday, December 8, 2016
.NET Fiddle: Create the first Fiddle
Project Url: http://xbim.codeplex.com/
NuGet Url: https://www.nuget.org/packages/XbimWebUI

Install-Package XbimWebUI
dotnet add package XbimWebUI
paket add XbimWebUI
XbimWebUI Download (Unzip the "nupkg" after downloading)






